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Four Gospels, One Jesus - The ox plods a long, slow journey
Four Gospels, One Jesus - The ox plods a long, slow journey
by SPCK - Richard A Burridge
The ox plods a long, slow journey Luke’s style and structure Unlike Mark’s disorderly rushing about, Luke writes an ‘orderly account’ (1.4). His preface has a calm, literary self-confidence, and this continues into the main narrative. While Mark introduces everything ‘and immedia
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 5b Jerusalem, Passion, and Resurrection
Parallel Lives of Jesus - 5b Jerusalem, Passion, and Resurrection
by SPCK - Edward Adams
Jerusalem, Passion, and Resurrection Finally Jesus arrives at Jerusalem, his goal. Luke narrates the triumphal entry (19:28–38) and the people’s acclamation of Jesus as “the king who comes in the name of the Lord” (19:38). Jesus weeps over the city and foretells its destruction (
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